Pittsburg Garden Tour
Saturday, June 14, 2008
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Gardeners' Market opens at 7:30 a.m.
Rain or Shine
The Zone 6 Gardeners of Pittsburg club has coordinated the fourth Pittsburg Garden Tour for the public! This is a unique event featuring 7 outstanding yet diverse private gardens and two public parks of the area. This is a self-guided tour, so enjoy each garden in any order you choose. Start early because we have a lot to show!
Bring a camera & notepad - Carpooling is encouraged - Wear comfortable walking shoes - No strollers or pets - Please obey parking signs - Not responsible for accidents
Ticket Information:
Advance tickets are available for $6 at the following locations:
- New Life Antiques - 108 W. 3rd
- In The Garden - 719 S. Broadway
- VanBecelaere Greenhouse - 2513 E. 4th
- Seasons Garden Center - 260th & Opolis entrance
- Carla's Country Gardens - 212 S. Pesavento Ave., Chicopee
- Tickets can be purchased from any Zone 6 Garden Club member
- The Gardeners' Market at Immigrant Park - 2nd & Broadway
Children 12 and under are free.
The Gardens:
1. Brad & Andra Stefanoni - 137 Westfield
2. Maxine Conrad - 415 W. Adams
3. Kathleen Nichols - 413 W. Adams
4. Patty Horgan - 1511 Woodland Dr.
5. Shirley & JD Messenger - 2611 California
6. Tom & Judy Spurgeon - 215 S. Dittman, Frontenac
7. Bill & Vicki Moody - 213 S. Dittman, Frontenac
Public: Immigrant Park/Miner's Memorial - 2nd & Broadway
Public: Europe Park - 5th & Broadway
Gardeners' Market:
In conjunction with the Pittsburg Garden Tour, a Gardeners' Market will be set up at Immigrant Park, 2nd and Broadway. Local vendors will have a wide variety of plants and garden-related items. Just across Broadway will also be the Farmer's Market. Both markets open at 7:30 a.m.
Woods Edge Talk & Tour:
Join Brad and Andra Stefanoni at 9 a.m. or 1 p.m. for a "Talk & Tour of Woods Edge," featuring tips on how to attract wildlife to your home, a look at the features of their property including prairie, wetland, bluebird trail, raised vegetable and herb gardens, and pumpkin patch, and a how-to question-and-answer session.
Lunch Suggestions:
The Berry Patch Tea Room at New Life Antiques - 108 W. 3rd
Sweet Greens - 620 S. Broadway
For garden tour ticket information, please call 620-231-4396 or email nahurt @ sbcglobal.net