GARDEN CLUB MEETING: October 24 @ 6:30 p.m.
Bill and Bobbie Askew will be doing a presentation on building a temporary greenhouse for overwintering. Beginning at 6:30 you can see the structure at their house, 206 E. 24th Terrace in Pittsburg. Enter through the east gate. The program will be held at the First Christian Church on Centennial at 7:00. Please come to the front entrance and follow signage for our meeting room. There is another group that may or may not be using the hall so just follow the posted signs.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Meeting Highlights: September 26
Zone 6 members met at Joyce and Robert Medford’s home. The group toured their rose garden. Mr. Medford told of their love for roses and how to care for them. Roses require a lot of care, food and water. Check for fungus, etc. and prepare them for winter. Mr. Medford showed and shared a protector made from light-weight felt paper. Set the protector over your rose bush, add 6 or 7 inches of peat and then fill it with leaves. Be sure to keep the roses covered all winter until all frost has left in the spring. Kristie opened the meeting showing a new attendance sheet. Members are to check their name at each meeting. The committee for Christine Scott’s memorial statue is going to check the price for a bronze statue. Bronze would be a better choice to be placed at the Pittsburg Public Library. Tim and Kristie Watson Bell served the refreshments. They were delicious and enjoyed by the members.
Norma Gilmore, Secretary
Norma Gilmore, Secretary
September Club Meeting: September 26
GARDEN CLUB MEETING: September 26 @ 6:30 p.m.
Roses are the subject of our program. We will be touring Joyce and Robert Medford’s
garden at 2011 Colonial Drive, beginning at 6:30 P.M. Robert will be explaining winter preparations, pruning, spraying and fertilizing of roses. By having the program in their garden it will allow us to see how roses are handled and treated. Please bring your lawn chair. Enter through the gate by the garage. If you are interested in starts of a Shasta daisy bring a container with you. Rain location for the meeting will be at the First Christian Church on Centennial. Doors would open at 6:30, meeting to start at 7:00.
Roses are the subject of our program. We will be touring Joyce and Robert Medford’s
garden at 2011 Colonial Drive, beginning at 6:30 P.M. Robert will be explaining winter preparations, pruning, spraying and fertilizing of roses. By having the program in their garden it will allow us to see how roses are handled and treated. Please bring your lawn chair. Enter through the gate by the garage. If you are interested in starts of a Shasta daisy bring a container with you. Rain location for the meeting will be at the First Christian Church on Centennial. Doors would open at 6:30, meeting to start at 7:00.
Meeting Highlights: August 22
Zone 6 members met at the First Christian Church for the August meeting. Derek deBoer presented a very informational program about designing and planning a landscape. He explained everybody has a story to be told by their house, landscape and clothing. The design and principal of the landscape are more important than the plants. Making a plan on paper saves time and money. As we make our diagram, we should know the function and purpose of each plant. Derek suggested repetition or group planting rather than one large plant. He illustrated the different designs; rectangular, diagonal, and symmetrical. Native plants and grasses will tolerate the heat and drought, thereby conserving water. After Derek’s talk, a question and answer time was enjoyed by all. There was no business discussed during the meeting. Thank you to hostesses Janice Lauderdale and Shirley Knightley (with help from John who carved a watermelon basket and much more).
Aggie Doue
Aggie Doue