Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Club Meeting: April 25

GARDEN CLUB MEETING: April 25 @ 7 p.m.

Zone 6 Garden Club will hold their April meeting on Monday, April 25 at First Christian Church on Centennial. The exec. committee will meet at 6pm and the regular meeting will begin at 7 pm. We will be discussing a possible field trip to a botanical garden so everyone’s input is needed.

We will also be talking about our yards and gardens and how this winter and spring weather has affected them and what we are doing about the changes that they have gone through.

The time is coming when we will be touring gardens for the summer before our meetings. We need members to volunteer their gardens for tours so be thinking about when you want the club to visit your beautiful garden.

Meeting Highlights: March 28

The Zone 6 Garden Club met at 7 p.m. at the First Christian Church, 705 East Centennial Drive. Home baked cookies were served by Leann Webb and Judy Campbell.

Jacob Weber was the guest speaker. Jacob gave an encouraging program about the things our plants need for best performance. Plants need light and air. The roots need air and water for flowering, plus good soil management. A question and answer period followed his presentation.

Christie Watson Bell, president, conducted the business meeting. A discussion was held about the purchase of a book to be placed in the Pittsburg Public Library in memory of Christine Scott. Members agreed on the purchase of “On Garden Style: by Bunny Williams. The book is truly Christine’s style.

Opal Trites is anticipating she will receive 6 or 8 grant applications. They will be reviewed and awarded by the executive board. The board will meet one hour prior to the April 25 meeting for this purpose.

The meeting was adjourned with 27 members attending.
Norma Gilmore, Secretary

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wesley House Garden Party & Plant Sale - April 30

The annual Wesley House Garden Party & Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, April 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 411 E. 12th St., Pittsburg, Kansas. A salad lucheon will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for $10. Large ferns, hanging baskets, bedding plants, berbs and more will be for sale! To pre-order a fern for $22, please call 620-232-3760 ext. 10 or email Delivery is available on April 15 & 16. All proceeds beneift the Welsey House and their services to our community. For more information, please visit