Tuesday, November 30, 2010

October Meeting Highlights

The meeting of the Zone 6 Garden Club was held at the First Christian Church at 7:00 PM. Twenty members were in intendance, along with new member Margaret Bishop and guest Nanette Krumsick.

Members enjoyed the delicious refreshments prepared by Leann Webb and Nancy Hurt.

John Harrison of In the Garden brought and displayed beautiful blooming plants. His program was very informative about selections for fall planting and how to care for your plants through the winter months.

Kristie Watson Bell, president, presided over the business meeting. Opal Trites reported that she has the application form for the 2011 grant program.

Plans were made for the club’s Christmas party to be held at Bowen’s Christmas tree farm, December 6 at 6:30 PM. Members were asked to sign up to bring soup, salad, sweets or other. Members who wish to participate in the Christmas gift exchange should bring a wrapped gift valued from $5 to $7.

Several members brought end of the summer bouquets.
Norma Galmore, Secretary

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