Sunday, July 24, 2011

Meeting Highlights: June 27

Zone 6 Garden Club met at 6:30 June 27, 2011. Sharon and Gary Starr were most gracious to share their home and gardens. After a tour of the gardens, refreshments were enjoyed by 25 members and 1 guest. Hostesses were Sharon Starr and Maxine Conrad. Kristie Watson-Bell, president, presided at the meeting.

Members were asked if they would rather receive the newsletter by mail or e-mail, and asked to let Steven Hellwig know their wishes.

Kristie announced that thank-you notes have been received from all of the grant recipients for the year. She then asked for a moment’s silence for Debbie McMurray’s mother and others who died in the May 22 tornado in Joplin, Mo.

The June 16, 2012 garden tour could be held in conjunction with the Wesley House fern sale and luncheon. It was agreed to ask the Wesley House luncheon to serve as our tour lunch.

Janice Evans and Kathy Fox, garden tour chairs, are asking for volunteers to help with the tour.

Sharon Starr reported that angel statues sell for $300 - $400 at Sandstone Gardens. Monies from Christine Scott’s memorial fund will be used to purchase something to go into the butterfly garden at the library in Christine’s honor. Steven Hellwig discussed necessary support for any heavy statue.

The July 25th meeting will be held at First Christian Church at 7:00. We will be celebrating the club’s 13th birthday. The club was formed July 18, 1998.

We will tour gardens at 6:00 PM. Karen Bowen and Pat Clement will be the hostesses. Members are asked to bring a covered dish. Food can be dropped off at the church before touring.

Pat Clement gave the program on invasive plants. She especially warned us not to plant purple loosestrife because it is choking out our waterways.

Norma Gilmore, Secretary

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